
Why Simplify?

Hi, and thanks for dropping by. I've had a keen interest for years in simplifying my life - clearing out the clutter - finding quicker and easier ways to do things around my home - and now I am noticing the dire situation our environment is in. The more I can do to simplify my life, the more I can reduce the impact my way of life has on the environment.
My first attempt at simplifying occurred years ago during a minor health scare. Preparing for the worst as we do, I read Hulda Regehr Clark's book called "The Cure for All Cancers" and proceeded to clear out all chemicals in my home and replace them as suggested with chemical-free alternatives which turned out to be a really interesting experiment. When the health scare blew over, I resumed using the same products I had recently culled - again as we do...
Now with what could (or should?) be called a major environmental scare in our world, I am considering revisiting those days...
I noticed an article in a recent newspaper about Torres Strait island communities being threatened by rising sea levels due to global warming. The article states that more than 2000 people from at least six separate communities could lose their land and livelihoods as global warming pushes the shoreline ever closer. It is hard to read articles like this because many of us feel that there is very little that we can do to help the situation.
But there are little steps that we can each take that might cumulatively start to make a difference, such as simple things like taking shorter showers and turning off lights in rooms not being used.
As well as these, I'm also collecting the cold water from the first few minutes of my morning shower before the hot water kicks in and pouring it over plants in my back yard or else using it for hand-washing some clothes.
I receive newspapers electronically, and catch up on the main news items from other newspapers' web sites, thus saving a part or more of a tree...
There are other areas that I'm dabbling in, including growing sprouts, and I see this blog as a great way to potentially share ideas with others on what we can do to improve our own lives and/or that of our neighbours...
I'd be fascinated to know what suggestions you may have for reducing the load we place on our environment...

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